dbeaver shortcut 디비버 단축키 모음수상한 프로그래머/죽은 소스 살려내는 꾸르팁 2020. 3. 31. 09:04반응형
SQL Editor
CTRL+Enter Execute current query (*) CTRL+\ Execute current query in a new tab ALT+X Execute current script (**) CTRL+ALT+' Execute selected SQL expression and print results CTRL+SHIFT+E Explain current query execution plan CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X Execute queries of current script simultaneously, showing results in separate tabs CTRL+9 Switch active connection (for SQL script) CTRL+Space Option+Space SQL completion proposals popup CTRL+ALT+Space SQL templates proposals popup CTRL+SHIFT+F Format current script (**) using current formatter CTRL+/ CTRL+SHIFT+/ Toggle single/multi line comment ALT+Up ALT+Down Jump to previous/next query CTRL+6 CTRL+SHIFT+6 ALT+6 Toggle editor/results panels (maximize/minimize/switch) CTRL+SHIFT+X CTRL+SHIFT+Y Convert selected text into upper/lower case Data viewer
TAB Switch to record/grid mode CTRL+~ Switch presentation (grid, plain text, json ,etc) CTRL+1 Foreign keys navigation menu ALT+Space Navigate to the link in active cell ALT+Left Navigate backward in history ALT+Right Navigate forward in history CTRL+2 Toggle sorting by current column F11 Current column filters menu CTRL+F11 Current column filter dictionary panel F7 CTRL+7 Toggle right panels on/off F5 Refresh results (re-run query) Data editor
Enter Activate inline editor SHIFT+Enter Open value editor dialog or separate value editor (for LOB values) Delete ALT+Delete Delete row ALT+Insert Add new row CTRL+ALT+Insert Copy current row Escape Cancel changes in current cell/row Database Navigator
F2 Rename current element (if supported) F4 Open editor of selected element(s) F5 Refresh selected element(s) Delete Delete selected element(s) (if supported) CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+D Add bookmark on selected element Alt+Enter Show properties of selected element F3 CTRL+[ Open SQL editor for current connection (***). Shows script selector popup. CTRL+F3 CTRL+] Open new SQL editor for current connection (***). Always creates new script. CTRL+Enter Open recent SQL editor for current connection (***). Opens last modified script or creates a new script. Other
ALT+~ Shows database tools context menu CTRL+0 Switch active schema/catalog (available if SQL/database editor is open) CTRL+SHIFT+C Advanced copy. Works in different contexts and performs "smart copy" operation (usually with parameters). CTRL+SHIFT+V Advanced paste. Same as "smart copy" but for "paste". 출처 : https://github.com/dbeaver/dbeaver/wiki/Shortcuts#sql-editor
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